Monday, January 22, 2024

The Wind Through The Leaves - by Elisabetta Fioritti - Review by Maria Teresa De Donato

 The Wind Through The Leaves - by Elisabetta Fioritti


Review by Maria Teresa De Donato


Having had the opportunity to read and review her two novels, L'odore dei giorni (E. Fioritti, 2016, Teke Editore) (= The Scent of the Days) and Vite convergenti (E. Fioritti, 2021, Bertoni Editore) (= Converging Lives), I had already realized the remarkable sensitivity and empathy of Elisabetta Fioritti, of her positive attitude towards Life, of her extraordinary ability to love.

In The Wind Through The Leaves (= Il vento tra le foglie), however, Elizabetta reaches new heights and depths. If, in fact, the narrative style of the novels was bound to grammatical and syntactic rules, these barriers are overcome in the poetic edition whose verses, free from any structural and expressive constraints, allow the author both the flight of fancy and the total immersion in the depths of one's soul.

With this collection, Elisabetta, therefore, comes out into the open: she shows herself naked to her interlocutor, revealing candidly, with an open heart and in a completely uninhibited manner, her own vulnerability as a woman, as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter, and above all as a Human Being, her uncertainties, her fears, the questions she cannot answer, her existential anguish and at the same time her values, her joy of living and her hope for a better World.

Some of her questions haunt her mind. Due to her sensitive soul and depth of thought, these are questions that she always asked herself. However, now, with the passing of time and the consequent increase in maturity and awareness, these questions acquire new meanings, making her anxious to find adequate answers. The time of carefreeness, cheerfulness, and the 'unbearable lightness of being' has vanished, and she has given way to what often appears as the harsh reality of our days as she continues to meditate on the meaning of Life:


What's left then


after the noise,

after the words,

the right ones and the wrong ones.


What remains at night

[when] ...

... the uncertainties

have turned off every light.

If not holding each other’s hands. (Fioritti, 2023, p. 11)



What are we

after all this time


We resist

To the fast ongoing story

And it overwhelms us. (p. 16)




but all our senses

where will they go

when everything is done

when the abyss will cover

the earth


the sun, the snow, the sea, the wind

the stars

will vanish? (p. 23)


Love, affection, and faith come to her aid and support her in moments of uncertainty and fear when the Void seems to grip her. Faith, though being a valid and often an irreplaceable tool of support during the storms and adversities that Life presents us with, is unable to prevent moments of confusion and despair as Time inexorably advances and does not even provide adequate explanations for the reason for the dramatic circumstances which all humanity witnesses helplessly and heartbroken:



No more bomb thunder

to upset your innocent



Today, every man is


from a black page of history.


Every house rebuilds

the utopia of peace.


to forget

the perverse madness of evil. (p. 21)



                   How can I talk about love

if before the eyes

I have the horror of innocent deaths

hungry children

imprisoned angels

humiliated and offended women

forgotten old people (p. 21)




However, hope and faith in a better World remain alive, acting, in some way, as a lifesaver in an open and stormy sea:


Getting lost

In this boundless sky

beyond time


Towards a world that

through the darkness

is reborn alive.

And I with it. (p. 22)




away from the voids and silences

of a spring that is reborn.

Inside new loves

and newborn babies.


Flowing sea...


And on the trail of gold


paint the tumultuous dance

of the lost soul. (p. 25)



The swing of the seasons and their respective landscapes and colors is accompanied by the memories and consequent states of mind associated with them. The sea, but also the land, especially that of Apulia, with its blue sky and its warm summer sun, cheer up the Author's heart thanks to the memories of her carefree childhood and adolescence and the love of her family of origin.

While the mind wanders through the memories of those who are no longer physically there but who will never abandon us, the 'hand' and the heart hold tight to the family that the Author has created for herself and for which it is worth living and rejoice, regardless of the gray hairs and the distances that separate parents and children.

Although the day offers her its gifts, it is, however, the night that instills peace and tranquility, allowing her thoughts, fears, and anxieties to calm down:


I love the night

The calm

The symphony of breaths

The Sleeping humanity

the suspension of time.


And there, in infinite time,

a rare peace

descends into my heart. (p. 17)


Hence, The Wind Through The Leaves is a beautiful poetic collection full of feeling, depth of thought, and sharing of moods, whose reading I recommend to everyone.


In it, Elisabetta Fioritti manifests all her sensitivity and ability of expression by giving voice to that Scream of Pain and that Cry for Peace that is rising like a single chorus from all Humanity:



Your pain hurts me


I suffer because of your wounds


I am a fragile creature

and I feel the pain of the world.

But also love,

I feel the love,


on tiptoe

at the heart of the universe. (p. 59)