Thursday, June 17, 2021

Ilaria Vecchietti and her Fantasy World - by Maria Teresa De Donato


Ilaria Vecchietti and her Fantasy World


 Maria Teresa De Donato



Ilaria Vecchietti was born on August 19, 1988, in the province of Vercelli, in the beautiful Valsesia, a long valley crossed by the river Sesia at the foot of Monte Rosa.

She graduated in Accounting and as Commercial Expert and holds a Degree in Administration Sciences and Labor Consultancy with a thesis in Criminal Labor Law.

Thanks to her mother she grew up among books. From an early age, by telling her fairy tales, her mom made her passionate about reading.

She reads different genres, but her favorite is fantasy, in all its shades.

By chance, she discovered that she also likes writing, and since then she has never stopped inventing stories and adventures.

Her debut novel is The Empress of the Thirteenth Earth (2016), published by Aletti Editori.

It is a self-contained fantasy where the protagonist, in addition to saving the world, must find herself again.

In June 2016 she opened a literary blog called Good Reading, where she mainly publishes reviews of the books she reads, reports new releases (both by publishers and by new, self-published authors), and also book events or interviews.

In July 2017, in collaboration with Claudia Piano (author of many novels, among which the Armonia Saga stands out) and other authors, she published a collection of fantasy stories belonging to the world of Armonia Saga, Un giorno ad Armonia, (her story is titled: The Chaining Symphony).

The story borrows the characters invented by Claudia and takes them to a new world.

In November 2017, she published her second fantasy novel through Amazon: The Island of Demons.

Another self-contained story where the lives of various characters intertwine and, by overcoming their past, they will have to save their land.

In July 2018, still in collaboration with Claudia Piano, the second collection of fantasy stories Un Giorno ad Armonia - Vol. 2 (her story is titled: The Valley of Lost Time) was released.

Still borrowing the characters of the Harmony Saga, Ilaria involves them in a miraculous quest to save the world of Musicomagia.

In March 2019, she published The Last Chance ..., Ilaria's first short story that deviates from the fantasy genre she loves and approaches romance, in the prevailing form of a long monologue of the protagonist, even if the ending belongs to the apocalyptic science fiction. In any case, the main theme remains love that wins over everything.

In September 2019, she returned to publish a story in the collection Un giorno ad Armonia edited by Claudia Piano (her story is titled: Where did the colors go?).

This time the characters Claudia created will go to the center of the Universe searching for colors.

In February 2020, she participated in the literary competition 'The most beautiful love phrases' organized by M & L. Her story The Invitation won the first prize in the Classic Love-Prose-Tale category and was included in the homonymous collection, published by M & L. a tale with romantic and melancholy nuances.

In May 2020, she participated in another literary competition 'Tell Japan' and her story The Destiny Flower was selected to be included in the collection of short stories Fifty-three views of Japan, published by Idrovolante Edizioni.

At the end of August 2020, her third novel Freedom, daughter of the Devil is released, an urban fantasy with a mix of mythology and more!

Also in 2020, she participated in the collection of short stories Un giorno ad Armonia 2020 edited by Claudia Piano (her story is entitled: Return to Symphony).

In September 2020, she participated in the 'Sci-Fi' literary competition and her story The Heir of the Demon was selected and included in the collection of Sci-Fi stories-Vol. 3, published by Idrovolante Edizioni.

In December of that year, the collection of short stories In a Thousand Words was released. It is a collection of short stories, which contains two of Ilaria’s stories: The Magic of Christmas and 12 years 8 months 16 days.

In April 2021, she participated in a new competition for short stories and her story The Lady of the Snow was published in the collection "Japanese novels", published by Idrovolante Edizioni.

Her mind is always at work and new novels and short stories will be coming soon!


The Empress of the Thirteenth Earth

Review by Maria Teresa De Donato


The eternal struggle between Good and Evil, between Light and Dark, as well as the evil inherent in the human soul and which is opposed to the desire for "a world of peace, hoping that this stillness will last for a long time” seem to be the central themes of this fantasy novel.

The direct and smooth language offers a pleasant reading, full of esoteric and spiritual meanings that make everything quite pleasant. Those who can see hidden or in any case implicit aspects in the text can only meditate on the metaphors linked to the meaning of life and the Universe and ask themselves the following question: The book is only the product of the writer's lively imagination or rather a tool she uses to promote the awakening of consciences or at least to induce the reader to ask him/herself questions on aspects that play a fundamental role?

"Is the Known World just a chessboard of divinities?"

We shall leave the answer to the reader.


The Island of Demons

Review by Maria Teresa De Donato


A very beautiful fantasy novel with plenty of details in which an equally intense narrative, full of unexpected situations and characters always in action, keeps the reader in a constant state of alert.

To the reader who is able not only to focus on the details but also to have a view "from above" and "in-depth", the novel offers wider meanings and keys to reading and interpretation.

The fluidity of a simple and direct style alternates and contrasts with the complexity of concepts and characters that oscillate between the mythological and the esoteric and enrich the setting and the narrative itself with themes and contents, even profound ones.

The result is a very harmonious and equally fascinating whole.


The Last Chance

Review by Maria Teresa De Donato


Love is the true protagonist of this story: a pure, youthful love, with all the uncertainties, doubts, and nuances of chance. A love, at the same time, equally deep in which, by oscillating between desire, falling in love, passion, dream, hope, but also fear of being rejected, the protagonist – Irene – despite her closed and unsociable character, does not stop at appearances, but she is ready to dive deep into her head recognizing, instinctively, thus through her heart, its all potential. For Fausto – the male protagonist – Irene would be ready to give up what could be the most significant opportunity in her life ... if he only asked her to stay. Fausto will not go through with it but not for the reasons Irene might hypothesize ...

A very well-written story: smooth, clear like pure water, authentic in its form and content, full of food for thought and to be read in one breath.



Ilaria Vecchietti e il suo Mondo Fantasy - di Maria Teresa De Donato


Ilaria Vecchietti e il suo Mondo Fantasy


Maria Teresa De Donato


Ilaria Vecchietti è nata il 19 Agosto 1988 in provincia di Vercelli, nella bella Valsesia, una lunga vallata percorsa dal fiume Sesia fino ai piedi del Monte Rosa.

Diploma di Ragioniere e Perito Commerciale, Laurea in Scienze dell’Amministrazione e Consulenza del Lavoro con una tesi in Diritto Penale del Lavoro.

Grazie a sua mamma è cresciuta in mezzo ai libri. Fin da piccola, quando le raccontava le fiabe, ha fatto in modo che si appassionasse alla lettura.

Legge diversi generi, ma il suo preferito è il fantasy, in tutte le sue sfumature.

Ha scoperto per caso che le piace anche scrivere, e da quando l’ha scoperto non si è più fermata nell’inventare storie e avventure.

Il suo romanzo d’esordio è L’Imperatrice della Tredicesima Terra (2016), edito Aletti Editori.

Si tratta di un fantasy autoconclusivo dove la protagonista, oltre a salvare il suo mondo, deve ritrovare se stessa.

Da giugno 2016 ha aperto un blog letterario dal nome Buona lettura, dove pubblica principalmente recensioni dei libri che legge, ma non solo, segnala le nuove uscite (sia da parte di case editrici e sia di autori esordienti autopubblicati) e anche eventi librosi o interviste.
A luglio 2017, in collaborazione con Claudia Piano (autrice di molti romanzi, fra cui spicca Armonia Saga) e altri autori, ha pubblicato una raccolta di racconti fantasy facente parte del mondo di Armonia Saga, dal titolo 
Un giorno ad Armonia, (il suo racconto si intitola: La Sinfonia Incatenante).

Il racconto prende in prestito i personaggi inventati da Claudia e li porta in un mondo nuovo.

A novembre 2017 pubblica tramite Amazon il secondo romanzo fantasy: L’Isola dei Demoni.

Un'altra storia autoconclusiva dove le vite di vari personaggi si intrecciano e, superando il loro passato, dovranno salvare la loro terra.

A luglio 2018, sempre in collaborazione con Claudia Piano, esce la seconda raccolta di racconti fantasy Un giorno ad Armonia – Vol. 2 (il suo racconto si intitola: La Valle del Tempo Perduto).

Prendendo ancora in prestito i personaggi della saga di Armonia, Ilaria li coinvolge in una ricerca miracolosa per salvare il mondo della Musicomagia.
A marzo 2019 pubblica il breve racconto 
L'ultima chance…, il primo racconto di Ilaria che si discosta totalmente dal genere fantasy da lei prediletto e si avvicina al romance, sotto forma prevalente di un lungo monologo della protagonista, anche se il finale appartiene alla fantascienza apocalittica. Il tema principale rimane in ogni caso l’amore che vince su ogni cosa.
A settembre 2019 torna a pubblicare un racconto nella raccolta 
Un Giorno ad Armonia - 2019 a cura di Claudia Piano (il suo racconto si intitola: Dove sono finiti i colori?).
Questa volta i personaggi creati da Claudia arriveranno fino al centro dell'Universo per cercare i colori.
A febbraio 2020 partecipa al concorso letterario 'Le più belle frasi d'amore' organizzato da M&L. Il suo racconto 
L'invito vince il primo premio nella categoria Amore Classico - Prosa - Racconto, e viene pubblicato nella raccolta omonima, edita M&L.
Un racconto dalle sfumature romantiche e malinconiche.
A maggio 2020 partecipa a un altro concorso letterario 'Racconta il Giappone' e il suo racconto 
Il fiore del destino viene selezionato per essere inserito nella raccolta di racconti Cinquantatré vedute del Giappone, edita Idrovolante Edizioni.

A fine agosto 2020 esce il suo terzo romanzo La Libertà figlia del Diavolo, un urban fantasy con un mix di mitologia e non solo!

Anche nel 2020 partecipa alla raccolta di racconti Un giorno ad Armonia - racconti 2020 a cura di Claudia Piano (il suo racconto si intitola: Ritorno a Sinfonia).

A settembre 2020 partecipa al concorso letterario 'Fantascientifico' e il suo racconto L'Erede del Demonio viene selezionato per essere inserito nella raccolta di racconti Fantascientifico - Vol.3, edita Idrovolante Edizioni.

A dicembre esce la raccolta di racconti In mille parole: Una raccolta di racconti, che contiene due racconti di Ilaria: La magia del Natale e 12 anni 8 mesi 16 giorni.

Ad aprile 2021 partecipa a un nuovo concorso per racconti e il suo racconto "La Signora della neve" viene pubblicato nella raccolta "Novelle giapponesi", edita Idrovolante Edizioni.

La sua mente è sempre al lavoro e presto arriveranno nuovi romanzi e racconti!




L’Imperatrice della Tredicesima Terra

Recensione di Maria Teresa De Donato


L’eterna lotta tra il Bene ed il Male, tra la Luce ed il Buio, così come la malvagità apparentemente insita nell’animo umano e che si contrappone all’auspicio di “un mondo di pace, sperando che questa quiete duri ancora per molto tempo” sembrano essere i temi centrali di questo romanzo fantasy.

Il linguaggio diretto e scorrevole offre una lettura piacevole, ricca di significati esoterici e spirituali che rendono il tutto molto gradevole.  Chi riesce a vedere nel testo aspetti nascosti o comunque impliciti non può che meditare sulle metafore legate al significato della Vita e dell’Universo e porsi la seguente domanda: Il libro è solo il prodotto della vivace fantasia della scrittrice o piuttosto uno strumento da lei utilizzato per promuovere il risveglio delle coscienze o quantomeno per indurre il lettore a porsi domande su aspetti che rivestono un ruolo assolutamente fondamentale? 

“Il Mondo Conosciuto è solo una scacchiera delle divinità?”

La risposta la lasciamo al lettore.



L’Isola dei Demoni

Recensione di Maria Teresa De Donato


Un romanzo fantasy molto bello e ricco di particolari in cui una narrativa altrettanto intensa, piena di situazioni inaspettate e personaggi sempre in azione, tiene il lettore in costante stato di allerta.

Al lettore che riesca non solo a focalizzarsi sui dettagli, ma anche ad avere una veduta “dall’alto” ed “in profondità” il romanzo offre più ampi significati e chiavi di lettura e di interpretazione.

Alla fluidità di uno stile semplice e diretto, si alterna e contrasta la complessità di concetti e personaggi che oscillano tra il mitologico e l’esoterico e che arricchiscono di temi e contenuti, anche profondi, l’ambientazione e la narrativa stessa.

Ne risulta un insieme molto armonico ed altrettanto affascinante.



L’ultima chance

Recensione di Maria Teresa De Donato


L’Amore è il vero protagonista di questo racconto: un amore puro, giovanile, con tutte le incertezze, i dubbi e le sfumature del caso.  Un amore, al tempo stesso, altrettanto profondo in cui, oscillando tra desiderio, innamoramento, passione, sogno, speranza, ma anche timore di essere respinta, la protagonista – Irene – malgrado il suo carattere chiuso e poco socievole, non si sofferma alle apparenze, ma è pronta a tuffarsi a capo fitto riconoscendone, istintivamente, a livello di cuore, tutto il potenziale.  Per Fausto – protagonista maschile – Irene sarebbe pronta a rinunciare a quella che potrebbe essere l’opportunità più significativa della sua vita… se lui solo le chiedesse di restare.   Questo Fausto non lo farà, ma non per le ragioni che Irene potrebbe ipotizzare…

Un racconto scritto molto bene: scorrevole, limpido come acqua pura, autentico nella forma e nei contenuti, ricco di spunti di riflessione e da leggere tutto d’un fiato.


Ilaria Vecchietti und ihre Fantasiewelt - von Maria Teresa De Donato


Ilaria Vecchietti und ihre Fantasiewelt


Maria Teresa De Donato


Ilaria Vecchietti wurde am 19. August 1988 in der Provinz Vercelli im schönen Valsesia geboren, einem langen Tal, das vom Fluss Sesia bis zum Fuße des Monte Rosa durchquert wird.

Diplom-Kaufmann und kaufmännischer Sachverständiger, Abschluss in Verwaltungswissenschaften und Arbeitsberatung mit einer Arbeit im Arbeitsstrafrecht.

Dank ihrer Mutter ist sie zwischen Büchern aufgewachsen. Schon in jungen Jahren, als sie ihr Märchen erzählte, machte ihre Mutter sie leidenschaftlich zum Lesen.

Sie liest verschiedene Genres, aber sein Favorit ist Fantasy in all seinen Nuancen.

Durch Zufall entdeckte sie, dass sie auch gerne schreibt und seitdem sie es entdeckt hat, hat sie nie aufgehört, Geschichten und Abenteuer zu erfinden.

Ihr Debütroman ist Die Kaiserin der dreizehnten Erde (2016), herausgegeben von Aletti Editori.

Es ist ein Roman in sich geschlossene Fantasie, in der die Protagonistin nicht nur ihre Welt retten, sondern auch sich selbst wiederfinden muss.

Seit Juni 2016 hat sie einen Literaturblog, Good Reading, eröffnet, in dem sie hauptsächlich Rezensionen zu den von ihr gelesenen Büchern veröffentlicht, aber nicht nur über Neuerscheinungen (sowohl von Verlagen als auch von selbst veröffentlichten Novizen) sowie Buchveranstaltungen oder Interviews berichtet.

Im Juli 2017 veröffentlichte sie in Zusammenarbeit mit Claudia Piano (Autorin vieler Romane, unter denen Armonia Saga herausragt) und anderen Autoren eine Sammlung von Fantasy-Geschichten aus der Welt von Armonia Saga mit dem Titel Un giorno ad Armonia, (ihre Geschichte trägt den Titel: The Chaining Symphony).

Die Geschichte leiht sich die von Claudia erfundenen Charaktere und entführt sie in eine neue Welt.

Im November 2017 veröffentlichte sie ihren zweiten Fantasy-Roman über Amazon: Die Insel

der Dämonen.

Eine weitere in sich geschlossene Geschichte, in der die Leben verschiedener Charaktere miteinander verflochten sind und sie ihre Vergangenheit überwinden müssen, um ihr Land zu retten.

Im Juli 2018 erscheint erneut in Zusammenarbeit mit Claudia Piano die zweite Sammlung von Fantasy-Geschichten Un Giorno ad Armonia - Vol. 2 (seine Geschichte trägt den Titel: The Valley of Lost Time).

Ilaria leiht sich immer noch die Charaktere der Harmony-Saga und verwickelt sie in eine wundersame Suche, um die Welt von Musikmagie zu retten.

Im März 2019 veröffentlichte sie die Kurzgeschichte Die letzte Chance ..., Ilarias erste

Geschichte, die völlig vom Fantasy-Genre abweicht und sich der Romantik nähert, in der vorherrschenden Form eines langen Monologs der Protagonistin, auch wenn das Ende der apokalyptischen Science-Fiction angehört. Das Hauptthema bleibt jedenfalls die Liebe, die alles gewinnt.

Im September 2019 kehrt sie zurück, um eine Geschichte in der Sammlung A Day in Harmony - 2019 von Claudia Piano zu veröffentlichen (ihre Geschichte trägt den Titel: Wo sind die Farben hingegangen?).

Diesmal werden die von Claudia geschaffenen Charaktere ins Zentrum des Universums gehen, um nach den Farben zu suchen.

Im Februar 2020 nimmt sie am Literaturwettbewerb “Die schönsten Sätze der Liebe” von M&L teil. Ihre Kurzgeschichte Die Einladung gewinnt den ersten Preis in der Kategorie Klassische Liebe - Prosa - Kurzgeschichte und wird in der gleichnamigen Sammlung von M&L veröffentlicht.

Diese ist eine Geschichte mit romantischen und melancholischen Nuancen.

Im Mai 2020 nimmt sie an einem weiteren Literaturwettbewerb “Erzähl Japan” teil und ihre Geschichte Die Blume des Schicksals wird ausgewählt, um in die Sammlung der Kurzgeschichten 53 Ansichten von Japan aufgenommen zu werden, die von Idrovolante Edizioni herausgegeben wird.

Ende August 2020 erscheint ihr dritter Roman Freiheit, Tochter des Teufels, eine urbane Fantasie mit einer Mischung aus Mythologie und mehr!

Auch im Jahr 2020 nimmt sie an der Sammlung der Kurzgeschichten One day in Harmony - Kurzgeschichten 2020 kuratiert von Claudia Piano teil (ihre Kurzgeschichte trägt den Titel: Return to Symphony).

Im September 2020 nimmt sie am Literaturwettbewerb "Sci-Fi" teil und ihre Kurzgeschichte Der Erbe des Teufels wird in die Sammlung von Sci-Fi-Geschichten - Vol. 3, herausgegeben von Idrovolante Edizioni, aufgenommen.

Im Dezember erscheint die Kurzgeschichtensammlung In tausend Worten: Eine Kurzgeschichtensammlung, die zwei Geschichten von Ilaria enthält: Der Zauber von Weihnachten und 12 Jahre 8 Monate 16 Tage.

Im April 2021 nimmt sie an einem neuen Wettbewerb für Kurzgeschichten teil und ihre Kurzgeschichte "La Signora della neve" ("Die Schneefrau") erscheint in der Sammlung "Japanische Romane", herausgegeben von Idrovolante Edizioni.

Ihr Verstand ist immer bei der Arbeit und neue Romane und Kurzgeschichten kommen bald!




Die Kaiserin der dreizehnten Erde

Bewertung von Maria Teresa De Donato


Der ewige Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse, zwischen Licht und Dunkel sowie dem Bösen, das anscheinend der menschlichen Seele innewohnt und dem Verlangen nach einer "Welt des Friedens, in der Hoffnung, dass diese Stille noch lange anhält" entgegensteht, scheint die zentralen Themen dieses Fantasy-Romans sein.

Die direkte und fließende Sprache bietet eine angenehme Lektüre, voll von esoterischen und spirituellen Bedeutungen, die alles sehr angenehm machen. Wer im Text verborgene oder ohnehin implizite Aspekte sieht, kann nur über die Metaphern, die mit dem Sinn des Lebens und des Universums verbunden sind, meditieren und sich folgende Frage stellen: Das Buch ist nur das Produkt der lebhaften Fantasie der Autorin bzw Werkzeug, das sie verwendet, um das Erwachen des Gewissens zu fördern oder zumindest den Leser zu veranlassen, sich Fragen zu Aspekten zu stellen, die eine absolut grundlegende Rolle spielen?

"Ist die bekannte Welt nur ein Schachbrett von Gottheiten?"

Die Antwort überlassen wir dem Leser.



Die Insel der Dämonen

Bewertung von Maria Teresa De Donato


Ein sehr schöner Fantasy-Roman mit vielen Details, in dem eine ebenso intensive Erzählung voller unerwarteter Situationen und immer in Aktion befindlicher Charaktere den Leser in ständiger Wachsamkeit hält.

Dem Leser, der sich nicht nur auf die Details konzentrieren kann, sondern auch einen Blick “von oben” und “in die Tiefe” werfen kann, bietet der Roman umfassendere Bedeutungen und Schlüssel zum Lesen und zur Interpretation.

Die Fließfähigkeit eines einfachen und direkten Stils wechselt und kontrastiert mit der Komplexität von Konzepten und Charakteren, die zwischen Mythologischem und Esoterischem changieren und das Setting und die Erzählung selbst mit Themen und Inhalten bereichern, auch tiefgründigen.

Das Ergebnis ist ein sehr harmonisches und ebenso faszinierendes Ganzes.



Die letzte Chance

Bewertung von Maria Teresa De Donato

Die Liebe ist der wahre Protagonist dieser Geschichte: eine reine, jugendliche Liebe, mit allen Unsicherheiten, Zweifeln und Nuancen des Zufalls. Eine zugleich ebenso tiefgründige Liebe, in der die Protagonistin – Irene – trotz ihres verschlossenen und ungeselligen Charakters, oszillierend zwischen Begehren, Verlieben, Leidenschaft, Traum, Hoffnung, aber auch Angst vor Zurückweisung nicht aufhört Erscheinungen, aber sie ist bereit, tief in ihren Kopf einzutauchen und instinktiv, also durch ihr Herz, sein ganzes Potenzial zu erkennen. Für Fausto – den männlichen Protagonisten – wäre Irene bereit, die vielleicht wichtigste Chance ihres Lebens aufzugeben ... wenn er sie nur zu bleiben bitten würde. Fausto wird es nicht durchziehen, aber nicht aus den Gründen, die Irene vermuten könnte ...

Eine sehr gut geschriebene Geschichte: glatt, klar wie reines Wasser, authentisch in Form und Inhalt, voller Denkanstöße und in einem Atemzug zu lesen.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Full Throttle Rock - Interview with Emanuele Semeraro - by Maria Teresa De Donato


Full Throttle Rock!

Interview with Emanuele Semeraro

by Maria Teresa De Donato


Today I am very happy to host a teenager who, although very young, is a musician, indeed I should rather say a 'guitarist' gifted with an extraordinary talent: Emanuele Semeraro, 17 years old.

From the beautiful and evocative baroque town of Martina Franca, in the province of Taranto, Emanuele has been working hard between studies and music, building, through perseverance and determination and at the same time forging ahead, what I wish him to be with all my heart his bright future.


MTDD: Hi Emanuele. Welcome to my Blog and Virtual Cultural Salon. It is a pleasure to have you here with us today and to be able to introduce you to my readers.

ES: Hi Maria Teresa, thank you for your hospitality. I am really happy and honored to have this interview with you, and congratulations for your Blog and Virtual Cultural Salon where you admirably give space to culture and art at 360°.


MTDD: I never interviewed a musician before and I am happy that you are the very first one.

Why don't you start by introducing yourself to our readers and telling us a little bit about yourself: Who you are, what you do in life, your studies and whatever else you wish to share with our audience?

ES: My name is Emanuele Semeraro, I am 17 years old and attending the fourth year of the Construction Environment and Territory (CAT) course of study at the Leonardo Da Vinci Institute in Martina Franca. At the age of six I started studying classical guitar under the guidance of my mother, Mila Nardelli, and at the age of 10 also the electric guitar. In 2017, at the age of 13, I entered the Saint Louis College of Music in Rome, where I attended, under the guidance of Maestro William Stravato, the three-year pre-academic course in pop-rock guitar, achieving excellent results in all subjects and ending up being admitted in September 2020 at the age of 16 to the first year of the Academic Course. Accessing the academic course has been a reason for great satisfaction and joy for me, which has repaid me for my constant commitment and the many hours of study dedicated to the instrument, but also to all other subjects. I was able to do all this thanks to the support of my parents: in recent years my father has always accompanied me, since I am still a minor, in the long and continuous train journeys to Rome and my mother has always encouraged and advised me in this long and not always easy path. The guidance of my teacher William Stravato was decisive, a great musician and a very good teacher, who always supported me and was able to direct and interpret my artistic personality.

The passion for music in recent years has been a continuous crescendo and discovery that led me to be inspired by the virtuosity and the shred techniques of the electric guitar of guitarists such as Zakk Wylde, Paul Gilbert, Malmsteen, Nuno Bettencourt, Michelangelo Batio.

I love being on the front line and having direct contact with the public, in fact I collaborate as a partner and musician with the Castrum Martinae Cultural Association and with other cultural associations in the area.

I participated in the 2018 and 2020 Editions of the talent "Stella del Sud" (Southern Star), performing in the various Apulian stages and making the finals. I always participated with pleasure in various cultural events sponsored by the municipality of Martina Franca, the Puglia region and the province of Taranto including "Picasso among gold, art and taste", "Andy Wahrol: The secrets of a genius", "Homage to Frida Kahlo".

Music is undoubtedly my favorite art, but I also have a passion for photography and drawing, in fact I made the "front cover" of some books of poetry and fiction; I also love collecting rock and classical music vinyls and playing sports, especially swimming, which I have been practicing since the age of 6 and that, for the time being, I particularly miss due to the closure of the pools caused by the Covid-19 restrictions. As a child, in addition to swimming, I also practiced taekwondo, a Korean martial art, which has now become an Olympic discipline, earning the black belt at the age of 12.


MTDD: Your mother, my dearest friend Prof. Mila Nardelli, teaches music and plays various instruments including the piano and the classical guitar. We can, therefore, define you as a 'son of art'.

Do you think that having a musician mother has contributed in some way to this passion of yours? And if so, to what extent and in what way?

ES: Yes, of course, having a musician mother has undoubtedly contributed to my passion. Growing up among guitars, keyboards, mandolins, flutes, which have become, together with others, my childhood games, I think it was a great fortune. Seeing my mother play every day led me to imitate her, then at the age of 5 she suggested that I try to play classical guitar and I, without a moment of hesitation, immediately accepted. My mother, despite being a classically trained musician, is also open to other musical genres and one day she suggested that I listen to the song by Guns n' Roses "Paradise City": that very moment, a world opened up that I began to explore with a growing curiosity, so much so that rock became the hallmark of my music and a great passion, so that I decided to study the electric guitar.


MTDD: Regardless of the interest that your mother may have aroused in you since childhood, perhaps putting a guitar in your hand and wondering if you wanted to give it a try, When did you realize that music is your true path?

ES: I understood this since I was in eighth grade and my professors asked me which field of study I would focus on after the exams. Without any doubt I understood that I preferred the artistic-musical address. At the same time, having a father who is a surveyor, I was fascinated by the technical field, which is why I asked my parents to be enrolled in the Conservatory (of Music) and at the same time to let me attend the technical high school for surveyors.


MTDD: What musical instruments can you use and why did you choose the electric guitar?

ES: I play electric, acoustic and classical guitar, although among all of them I do prefer the electric guitar. I find it to be one of the most fascinating and most representative instruments of rock. Since I was a child it immediately struck me in addition to the design, especially the sound, which gives me inimitable sensations.


MTDD: When you play your guitar you become one with it, you are completely immersed in the moment and in total harmony with it.

What exactly do you feel in those moments and do you have a different relationship with them depending on the various types of guitar you play?

ES: The guitar arouses in me an infinite range of feelings and emotions, through which I have the opportunity to get in touch with my deepest self and soul; its energy makes me feel alive and this is precisely what drives me to play it. To get in real contact with my instrument, I need to be open and willing to let myself be touched by the emotions it arouses and to tune into the rhythmic, melodic and harmonic trend of the piece I'm playing. However, this is only the first step, because, as a musician, it is not enough for me to be sensitive and receptive, but I have the task of becoming a real creator of emotions, choosing them, recreating them and enhancing the richness of feelings contained in music. At the same time, my way of life is colored, impregnated by the emotions that the music has revealed to me. As for the different relationship I have with the guitars, in reference to the electric ones, it depends on the differences in sound. The sound of a basic Les Paul is warmer and more full-bodied than that of a Strat, while, on the other hand, the latter boasts a more shrill one. In any case, one can find in the first a vocation for a more powerful sound, due to the composition of the pick-ups. The Les Paul goes better with a distorted effect than a Strat, but the latter boasts a more present clean sound, as it is more shrill than the first. Technology today works miracles and with the right effects you can work on both models. I prefer the Les Paul both in terms of aesthetics and sound because it is better suited to my favorite Metal genre.


MTDD: The musical genres that belong to you are Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Punk, Blues, Funk and Pop. Can you explain to those who are not experts in the field what are the main differences between these genres, what each of them represents for you and what feelings inspires you?

ES: "Blues" is referred to a popular music, rooted in the spirituals and often melancholy, born under the matrix of the work songs of black American slaves, a current from which the Blues-rock of B.B. King also derived. I am particularly fond of the much more sparkling blues of  Stevie Ray Vaughan, king of the Texas blues: his music was a mixture of all the influences of the existing blues scene, present and past, and Vaughan had the extraordinary ability to convey the messages of the fathers of the blues in his own personal way. Then there is Gary Moore, lord of the Irish blues and more recent artists such as Joe Bonamassa and Jared James Nichols who are those who, as for this genre, inspire me the most.

“Funky” is a music similar to hip-hop, coming from the USA, born in the 70s in the American ghettos. It is a genre that amuses me so much because it has an engaging grouve; the artists that truly inspire me are James Brown, Reb Beach, Nuno Bettencourt.

The "Pop music" is a contemporary macro musical genre that includes some sub-genres belonging to the popular song. The term "pop" derives from the abbreviation of the English-speaking term "popular", used to indicate the musical and artistic trends that, starting from the 1960s, have adopted new aesthetic criteria and contents aimed above all at a young and mass audience. Pop music for me is synonymous with simplicity and lightness. Among the artists I certainly particularly appreciate John Mayer and Toto.

“Punk rock”, is a genre of rock music that developed mainly between 1976 and 1979, from previous musical forms, derived from garage rock, now known as proto-punk and, of all genres. I don't feel particularly close to it, because it is not akin to my personality.

On the other hand, a genre that fascinates me a lot is "Country" which is the result of the union of popular forms of American music, developed in the South of the United States and is played with guitars, banjos and violins and derives from folk music imported by English colonists in America. This genre fascinates me so much for its particular techniques, which is very complex and based on speed, such as hybrid picking, which consists in plucking the strings of the guitar with the plectrum and with the fingers at the same time. Among my reference artists, certainly Brent Mason is the one that inspires me the most.

“Hard Rock” is a genre derived mainly from rock and roll and blues-rock, born in the late sixties and early seventies in the United Kingdom. It characterized not only the seventies, but also the eighties and part of the nineties both in the United Kingdom and in the United States. From hard rock derive other musical genres of great popularity, and in particular heavy metal, literally "heavy metal", which is characterized by strongly aggressive rhythms and a powerful sound, obtained through the emphasis of amplification and distortion guitars, basses, and sometimes even vocals. This is certainly my favorite genre of all, first of all because there are a multitude of styles and subgenres, from the most melodic and commercial to others with extreme sounds, which I particularly prefer and in which I love to bring the guitar techniques of the alternate picking, sweep picking, tapping and legato.


MTDD: Have you already recorded DVDs, albums and the like, ie products ready to be purchased? And if so, Where can they be found?

ES: I recorded some singles that for the time being are published on YouTube and on social networks: "Rock in the Midnight" is my first unreleased song, completely self-produced. This song is only a very small part of a much larger and more complex project that I am working on and which I hope to finish soon so that you can also enjoy it.

Rock In The Midnight - Emanuele Semeraro OFFICAL PLAYTHROUGH

I then recorded the single "THEORY OF MADNESS", this is also on YouTube and social networks, with the "YOUNG METAL THEORY", composed by five young instrumentalists: Lorenzo Gubbini (Guitar) 15, Emanuele Semeraro (Guitar) 17, Riccardo Santoro (Guitar) 19, Simone Paolini (Drums) 19, and Matteo Mosconi (Bass) 19 years old. It is a demanding project carried out completely remotely and self-produced, without the help of anyone, born from an idea of Lorenzo Gubbini, in which we all did our best and used all our creativity, sharing a strong passion for metal.



MTDD: Any plans for the future?

ES: Among my short-term future projects there is my next Power Metal single "Anacalgon's Hyidra" that will be released this summer. I shall also make a video clip of it. This work is also completely self-produced in all its instrumental parts. Then another single with Young Metal Theory is also in the works and another project with two young artists from Martina: Nadia Marangi, 15, on keyboards and vocals, Mattia Francesco Pio Rubino, 19, on drums and me on guitars and bass, with whom we are making singles and covers, hoping, Covid-19 permitting, to be able to perform in the summer events of our town and surroundings.

As far as long-term projects are concerned, the priority is to continue the academic studies at the Saint Louis College of Music in Rome up to the specialist degree (Master degree); then there is the creation of an entire EP album and, within a year, the creation of a Recording Studio, in collaboration with my mother, for recording services, supply and transcriptions of vocal and instrumental parts, mixing and mastering of tracks.


MTDD: Thank you, Emanuele, for being here with us today. It was a great pleasure to interview you. Those who wish to get in touch with you, How will they be able to do so?

ES: Thanks to you Maria Teresa for this accurate interview and for giving me the opportunity to express and let the public know my art, my personality and my future projects. Thank you very much for your kind hospitality.

Anyone wishing to contact me can do so on social media or by writing to my e-mail.

Emanuele Semeraro (@michaelomfug) • Instagram photos and videos