Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Culinary Diary of a Quarantined Mother - by Valeria Gatti - Review by Maria Teresa De Donato

 The Culinary Diary of a Quarantined Mother - by Valeria Gatti

Review by Maria Teresa De Donato


Appetizers, first and second courses, unique dishes, desserts, and much more is the content of this work by my friend, colleague, author, and blogger Valeria Gatti.

There are excellent explanations and advice, presented in the form of ideas and variations, which can foster our creativity in the kitchen while considering different personal needs and tastes.

I invited all family members, including teenagers and children, to participate in the preparation of the various dishes.  Everyone can and is strongly encouraged to express their artistic side in the kitchen, make themselves useful and learn while having fun.

However, those who approach this publication intending to read the usual recipe book will be greatly surprised.  In fact, according to the author's admission, "this is not a cookbook but the book of a family in the kitchen." (p. 162)

Reading the Culinary Diary of a Quarantined Mother (V. Gatti, Edizioni Convalle, 2021) will be a happy experience, a tasting of exquisite dishes and delicious drinks consumed at home using, why not, also the services generally reserved for occasions special 'in a simple, genuine, relaxing, but equally stimulating and above all full of love for loved ones, for your family.

The idea for the book was born during the time of quarantine.  Therefore, in a moment of forced isolation with limits and narrowness of all kinds.  This forcing has given some positive results, missing the hugs of our family and friends, of the possibility of having an everyday social life and of moving freely, as we have always been used to.

This, at least, is the author's perspective: a positive, constructive perspective that led her to a profound inner journey.  "Working with [puff pastry] is a natural stress reliever, an intimate pleasure, a journey into ourselves.  Pizza is a journey." (p. 123)

Yes, trying not to be discouraged, but, on the contrary, doing our best with what we have available at the moment, adverse circumstances included, turns perspectives upside down and transforms us from victims into authors of our destiny.

Therefore, the Culinary Diary of a Quarantined Mother also becomes a book of awareness, awakening conscience, giving up letting go, losing hope, and feeling without a way out.

"In these days, it was easy to go back to distant memories, to images and scents that were fundamental for my growth ..." admits the author.  The recipes are not simple: their preparation, cooking, and tasting are moments of reflection, of introspective analysis.  They are a way and tool to return to one's roots, regain possession of one's human dimension, and revolutionize our everyday Life.  They can transform it into a precious treasure to be appreciated and enjoyed in its most straightforward, genuine, and essential form.  We can establish a new balance.  Let's go back to understanding that the things that matter in Life and that we need are extremely few and lie there, under our eyes: our dearest affections, the love we have for them and that they have for us, and the mutual appreciation that being together, sharing peacefully and joyfully the little things, brings.

Quarantine - or any other unforeseen event potentially able to shake in us what we believed to be certainties but which have proved to be only conjectures - can represent a moment of total metamorphosis: changing habits, making changes to our lives, experiencing things in the family,  that we had always neglected, considering them' external opportunities' and, why not, opening up to others, sharing, even with those who were not part of the close circle of family and friends, what we had always kept for ourselves but which can help them too.

The Culinary Diary of a Quarantined Mother is, therefore, a book of recipes, growth, and personal development.  It's a book that teaches us to share, to love Life and our family members, and to show human solidarity.  Hence, it will thrill you and stimulate reflection and creativity by bringing a ray of light and a fresh breath of air to your Life.

It's a book written with the heart of a woman, wife, mother, and author that I recommend to all readers.