One More Ride on the Merry-Go-Round
(Tiziano Terzani, 2004, 2014)
Maria Teresa De Donato’s Opinion
One More Ride on the Merry-Go-Round: that's how Tiziano Terzani conceived his life, a life full of adventures, misadventures, meetings, movements, and trips from one continent to another, all always lived with intellectual curiosity and optimism.
From the Asian gurus to the Himalayan hermit, from the
reading of his future by a visionary to the many vicissitudes experienced as an
individual or together with his family: all this until the encounter with the
disease, an illness that he tries to cure by first resorting to therapies
traditional Western medicines - sometimes invasive and quite aggressive and in
which he absolutely does not believe - and, subsequently, holistic ones... up
to the acceptance of his own death as an integral and absolutely natural part
of his life, something to embrace, to which According to him, one should not
shy away from it nor should one fear it.
One More Ride on the Merry-Go-Round is an extremely exciting read, rich in themes,
culture, profound humanity, and food for thought. It will fascinate the reader,
making him travel not only around the world but even more so into the depths of
his soul. It encourages him to confront his fears and beliefs and to accept,
without judging, everything that life presents to him.
This book can also be
ordered on Amazon.
This article was also published at the following link: Un altro giro di giostra