Friday, August 2, 2024

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - Maria Teresa De Donato's Opinion

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

(John Gray, 1994)


Maria Teresa De Donato's Opinion


With this hilarious book, Dr. John Gray, family therapist, professor, and author, immerses us in the dynamics of couple relationships. Love, falling in Love, and living together with all that comes with it are the pillars of this absolutely timeless publication.

A practical guide to understanding not only the different ways of COMMUNICATION but also of REASONING and PERCEIVING that exists between the Female and Male Universe.

It has been scientifically proven that Men's brains are divided into specific "areas," such as Sex, Motors, Sports, Career, Money, etc. On the other hand, Women's brains are not only perpetually connected to the sphere of feelings but operate at 360°.

A man thinks one thing at a time and concentrates on that, then moves on to the next. In a Woman's life, every moment is connected to EVERYTHING ELSE, and this is why it often happens that the Man would say to his wife or partner, who is explaining/telling him something, "Can you get to the point?"

The Woman, on the contrary, always sees everything connected to everything else. She follows a different logic and, to "get to the point," takes a much longer journey (and probably even more interesting).

This, of course, is just one of the many examples that make it clear that identifying these two different ways in which the brain operates, and which leads to a different way of communicating and perceiving reality, can help – where true Love and the desire of being together – to show understanding and empathy by accepting and appreciating our respective differences and our being "complementary."

The book will not only increase the reader's knowledge and understanding of specific dynamics. Still, it will also provide him with the key to access the world of others by making them smile at the many situations that arise in daily life and which, instead of generating problems and often discussions or even arguments, can be easily understood and resolved by approaching them, why not, with a great sense of humor and much Love.

This book can also be ordered on Amazon

This article was also published at the following link: 

Gli Uomini vengono da Marte, le Donne da Venere