Thursday, January 2, 2020

AUTISM from a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE: Cesare's Successful Story

Maria Teresa De Donato & Giovanni Tommasini present:


Cesare's Successful Story

Amazing, fascinating, one-of-a-kind autistic children often with a very high IQ who cannot, however, integrate into a society they reject and which they neither feel nor seem to want to be part of. Exhausted and socially isolated families that no longer know how to help them, but above that wonder what will become of their children when they "will no longer be there." How to help both children and parents? What is the best approach? But above all, what should and shouldn't be done to help them? The successful story of Cesare that Giovanni Tommasini, Educator, had, the profound analysis that the latter made along with Maria Teresa De Donato, Naturopath and Coach and the questions they both asked themselves while working on this book seem to open a breach in the mysterious world of autism, by identifying a different perspective that might be of benefit to all and allow those who are affected by it and whoever must confront this reality, be it a family member or an educator, to find the best way to help these differently abled individuals to live a life worthy of being defined as such and that can respect their own tempo and methods, but above all their uniqueness and full potential, and at the same time greatly lighten the heavy burden imposed on these families by this pathology.

An engaging work, which will move and, in some cases, also elicit a smile in the reader thanks to a direct and immediate narrative aiming at describing a reality that, despite the plans made and the precautions taken, by virtue of its unpredictability and dynamism in manifesting itself, defies any control, giving life to situations that, however dramatic and difficult to manage, often have an unexpected humorous side.